Saturday 26 November 2016

Understanding the Essence of Identity Logo Design as a Vital Contributor in Winning Customers

You are waiting for your tube to arrive and you happen to come across a new poster on the wall with a logo on it. Would you be able to recognize what it stands for or what the organization behind that logo is selling after staring at it for a good few minutes? In my guess, you would be clueless, feeling lost and would look away.

Identity refers to the visual aspect of your organization which forms the overall brand. With such immense competition in each industry, it is important for your organization to win its targeted audience. Organizations spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on their logo designs and yet are unable to win their customers. The reason behind this is that their logo does not serve as an identity logo design which otherwise is also known as Literal Imagery.

There are three main types of logos; Literal Imagery, Abstract Imagery and Logotypes.

Abstract Imagery

In abstract imagery, the logo will reflect no link between the graphic used and the typography along with it. Rather, the imagery is more connected with emotions, feelings and moods. The identity logo design would serve no purpose in such logos. For instance, the logo design for ‘Warped Vision’ shows the name of the business along with an abstract image. Since abstracts are open to multiple perceptions, the organization chose not to make the identity of the business obvious in its logo. 


This is the most basic type of logo design whereby the business uses typography within its logo. These are simple and straight forward logo types that create a combination of a visual graphic and text to finalize their business logo. Companies that have more than one business running under their name use such logos. An example of this is the ‘Walt Disney’ logo, as the organization is involved in multiple businesses.  

Literal Imagery

This type of logo refers to putting an image of the product of the business and making it into a logo. This serves as an identity logo design because the logo itself represents the product of the business leaving no mystery behind. Even if the name of the business makes it obvious or not, the image will definitely convey the right message. An example of this is the logo of an eatery ‘Meat Lovers’ serving gourmet Meat Burgers. Within the logo, one can make it right away that they are an eatery symbolized by the meat in their logo and the typography. 

Adopting identity logo design strategy is often found in small startups and businesses. The reason for this is that they want to inform their target audiences what they are about and what they have to offer. This is direct targeting hits the nail on its head and gets you a strike. If they choose from either types of logo, they would get lost in the sea which is highly competitive and rough in nature. Thus, to avoid losing visibility, endorsing identity logo design is crucial in contributing towards sales turnover i.e. winning customers and generating maximum sales. 

“A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed." – Henrik Ibsen

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